Microsoft .net jumpstart for systems administrator and developers

Microsoft .NET is born out of a personal search for the Holy Grail of .NET for IT professionals. Unlike competing texts, it focuses on actual implementation and management issues critical to the success of an enterprise. Through Nigel Stanley’s active consulting practice, he has gathered essential information for integrating the far-ranging components which .NET touches without hype or superfluous programming details.

Microsoft .NET revolutionizes the development, deployment and support of business applications. It introduces new technologies and concepts which have to be understood by today’s IT professionals if they are to continue to be successful.

This book has:

  • Clear coverage of all the major .NET Enterprise Server products
  • Introductions to important technologies such as SOAP, UDDI, and XML
  • Experiences drawn from real life customer situations focusing on important need-to-know material for the IT professional
  • Appendix giving detailed specifications required to run the .NET Enterprise Servers.
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ASP.NET Developer's JumpStart

The purpose of ASP.NET JumpStart is to show readers the practical applications of .NET and ASP.NET by illustrating how to build Web-based applications using Web Forms and Web Services. Emphasis will be on good programming standards and practices. The reader will be taken from an introduction of the VB .NET language to intermediate topics through a step-by-step approach, which gives the reader the opportunity to try out the practices presented in each chapter.

The major benefit you will derive from reading this book is that you will be led, step by step, through the creation of a real-world-style business Web application that takes advantage of many of the new capabilities provided by the .NET platform. After reading this book, you will be able to program .NET applications using ADO.NET, Web Forms, and Web Services. Most of the books on the market do not address a real-world application, and most do not ever use a step-by-step approach. This book uses this approach so you can learn what you need in order to get your job done quicker and more efficiently. This will make your investment in this book pay off right from the beginning chapters.

This book is designed for anyone who wants to learn how to create a business application using ASP.NET, HTML, and Internet Information Services (IIS). Throughout this book, you will be introduced to the concepts of the Microsoft .NET Framework, how to create a Web application using SQL Server, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, and Web Services, as well as good programming principles.

ASP.NET Developer's JumpStart
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Oracle 9i DBA Jumpstart

Get Up to Speed for Oracle9i Administration Training Courses--Fast!
Oracle9i DBA JumpStart gives you the solid grounding you need to approach Oracle certification with confidence:
* Introduction to relational database concepts
* Using basic SQL*Plus and iSQL*Plus commands
* Understanding Oracle database functions
* Using multiple tables
* Restricting, sorting, and grouping data
* Creating and maintaining a database
* Using SQL*Plus reporting techniques
* Creating and maintaining database objects
* Setting up users and managing security
* Configuring optimization
* Creating backups
* Troubleshooting

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TCP/IP JumpStart: Internet Protocol Basics, 2nd Edition

TCP/IP is the de facto protocol of the Internet, and this protocol is supported by every major network operating system. As more organizations and individuals connect networks and computers to the Internet and one another, there is a growing demand for professionals to have a thorough understanding of this protocol suite. TCP/IP JumpStart Second Edition will explain the fundamentals of TCP/IP in simple terms with tangible examples. New for this edition: updates on Windows XP/2000, Dynamic DNS, CIDR, and subnetting.

TCP/IP JumpStart: Internet Protocol Basics

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